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Tackling Inflation
Rising prices hurt all of us, especially seniors on fixed incomes. Runaway inflation is a product of all the bad economic policies brought to us by Joe Biden and Radical Left members of Congress like Lois Frankel. We must fight inflation by ramping up domestic energy production, de-politicizing the Federal Reserve, and we must never again pay workers to stay at home and not work. In addition, we absolutely must end government deficit spending, which is why I support a balanced budget amendment.
Immigration & Securing Our Borders
Without secure borders, you no longer have a country. Legal immigration helped make our country great, and it should be preserved in a way that makes our country stronger. We need to build the Wall, and give our brave border enforcement officers all the resources they need to keep out the illegals, the terrorists, the gangs, the criminals, the drugs, and the human traffickers.
Standing Up for Israel
I will always stand 100% with our best ally. Israel must always be allowed to defend itself in times of war. We should keep the US embassy in Jerusalem, continue our longstanding security and military assistance, prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, and continue
building on the success of the agreements reached between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco (known as the Abraham Accords). We should continue to work toward solutions that will allow for a secure Israel which is fully recognized by the international community.
Protecting Our Seniors
I will not allow Washington to cut Social Security or Medicare. Our Seniors built our country, defended it in wars, and always paid their taxes. We owe so much to this generation and we must honor our obligations to them. I will fight every day to protect their rights under Social Security and Medicare. The states and the Federal government should stop taxing Social Security Benefits.
Election Integrity
Our system for running elections needs an overhaul so that voters know their vote counts. I support Seth Keshel’s common-sense ten-point plan that will ensure fair elections:
✔ Clean Up The Voter Rolls
✔ Ban Ballot Harvesting
✔ Ban All Electronic Elections Equipment
✔ Implement Drastically Smaller Precincts
✔ Require Voter ID With Paper Ballots Only
✔ New Reporting Requirements for Transparency
✔ Ban Mail-In Voting
✔ Ban Early Voting
✔ Make Election Day a Holiday
✔ Heavy Prison Sentences for All Who Commit Fraud.
Here is proof that it can be done: France recently conducted a successful national election with results in one day using only paper ballots.
Improving Education
Parents should always be in control of the curriculum and the books used in their kids’ classrooms. They have every right to stop the teaching of Critical Race Theory and other divisive rhetoric. Parents must never again be treated as terrorists if they exercise their God-given First Amendment right to disagree with school boards and administrators. I support school choice and school vouchers.
Enacting Term Limits
Implementing limits on the number of terms elected officials and bureaucrats can serve is the best way to get government by the people, rather than government by a ruling class. I have signed the Term Limits pledge.
Helping Small Businesses
As a former small business owner myself, I know that small businesses are the biggest job creators in our country and must be protected. Eliminate excessive regulations that burden small companies, and simplify the tax code to help stimulate more job creation.
Protecting Second Amendment Rights
The Second Amendment is about more than just hunting. It preserves our fundamental right to protect ourselves and our families from danger. Taking away our legal guns does not make America safer, but instead makes us more vulnerable to criminals and those who wish to do us harm.
Lowering Taxes
Our tax code needs to be simplified and made more fair for working Americans. Eliminate tax loopholes and the SALT deduction, which forces Florida residents to subsidize high tax states that have out-of-control spending.
I oppose a national abortion ban.